Marek Wiśniewski – Managing Director, Member of the Board, Polchar Ltd., Graduate of the XIX Cohort Motivation, enthusiasm, commitment, hard work, inspiration, success, joy and satisfaction – these are the most important feelings that accompanied my Executive MBA studies. What are the distinctive elements of the Program, constituting its competitive advantage? Achieving, deepening and systemizing theoretical knowledge, obviously, constituted key elements of the studies, but they were barely their small part. Exploring the knowledge and fostering an attitude to put it into practice were definitely the most important features of the Program. Moreover, a true, not declarative, executive aspect made also its value. A carefully selected, solely in English, program of the studies, with emphasis on its applicableness, embraced all important aspects of management through a wide cafeteria of didactical methods: from lectures, work-shops, discussions, through cases, strategic games and simulations, individual and team work, and exciting trip to US, to a professional, consulting project. The Executive MBA is an effective way of studying, stimulating initiative, creativity and the courage to act. Its measurable, professional benefits, as well as success were meaningful to me, not only after graduation, but also during the studies. If you are considering to undertake them, do not hesitate and let yourself be snatched by the challenge. Join the adventure! |